2024. 02. 13.

Pathways Leading to Cardiovascular Diseases – Part 5: Too Much Sedentary Work

In our series of articles, we will explore the lifestyle and health factors leading to platelet aggregation, or blood clot formation. Our topic today is too much sedentary work.


The three main factors contributing to cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and platelet aggregation, which are the three main causes of blood clot formation.

Unfortunately, there are many more factors related to age, lifestyle, and chronic inflammations that can induce platelet activation, leading to blood clot formation. Platelet hyperactivity is associated with conditions such as diabetes and heart diseases, or it occurs in individuals living in areas with high air pollution; the importance of addressing these issues was highlighted by the increased risk of thrombosis observed in COVID-19 infections due to the factors listed.

Other factors capable of triggering platelet activation, leading to blood clot formation, include:

  • Metabolic diseases associated with chronic inflammation and platelet activation
  • Chronic inflammation associated with infections
  • Excessive, intense exercise, strenuous sports
  • Smoking / living in areas with smog, polluted air
  • High stress levels
  • Too much sedentary work
  • Menopause

Dietary anticoagulants, such as Cardio Fortis natural dietary supplement with Fruitflow® extract, are suitable for daily use, especially for individuals known to have a higher risk profile for complications during severe infections. Risk factors include overweight, high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, atherosclerosis, and age over 40.1

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Too Much Sedentary Work

The article of the London-based One Heart Clinic4 addresses how desk work can affect heart health2:

We are all aware that a sedentary lifestyle can expose us to many preventable disease risks. Being inactive for long periods in everyday life can have a detrimental effect on the health of our hearts. The latest reports have shown that sitting, regardless of whether someone has a proper exercise routine, significantly increases the risk of early death.


How Sitting Affects Cardiovascular Health

Sitting all day can be extremely harmful to your body. Several things can happen to your body if you sit for too long:

Lack of blood flow

The sedentary nature of sitting allows blood flow to slow down throughout the body. This allows fat to accumulate in the arteries, ultimately leading to heart disease due to plaque buildup in the arteries.

The body cannot properly process fats

If we sit for prolonged periods, the body loses the ability to produce important enzymes that help break down fat in the blood. If this fat cannot be removed, it is stored, leading to weight gain and sometimes obesity. Obesity is a major cause of heart disease.

Development of insulin resistance

Insulin resistance means that our cells cannot handle glucose, better known as sugar. High blood sugar levels are known to be precursors to conditions such as type 2 diabetes. Although the development of type 2 diabetes is possible without weight problems, there is a strong correlation between overweight, diabetes, and heart disease. It's not just our hearts that suffer from sitting all day. Various problems can arise, such as skeletal problems, posture problems, or neurological complaints caused by poor circulation. 


What Can Be Done to Counteract the Damage?

In today's environment, many of us have to spend longer periods in the office or at our desks. However, sitting for about six to eight hours a day does not promote optimal heart health. Here are some ways to incorporate some extra movement into our days: Just walk Take a few minutes to walk during office breaks. Fast walking increases oxygen delivery to the body, strengthening the heart. It can also help increase mental clarity.


Invest in a standing desk

These types of desks are great for improving posture and allow blood to circulate freely throughout the body.

Take the stairs

Instead of using the elevator, using the stairs is a simple way to counteract the effects of sitting.

Walk instead of driving

Instead of driving, consider using public transportation or look up the shortest walking route to your destination.

Use a scooter or a bike

Use a scooter or bike to get to work or to the store: be sure to learn the traffic rules for these devices!

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Your heart is important to us: prevention naturally

Cardio Fortis natural dietary supplement with Fruitflow® extract, rutin, and resveratrol helps maintain normal platelet aggregation for healthy blood flow. Cardio Fortis is a natural dietary supplement that supports healthy blood flow.

It consists of three natural ingredients: Fruitflow® extract, rutin, and resveratrol, which can contribute to healthy blood circulation and vascular health. Fruitflow® has been evaluated by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and in 2009 obtained the first approved Article 13.5 (protected) health claim: "Fruitflow® helps maintain normal platelet aggregation, which contributes to healthy blood flow."3

Cardio Fortis consists of three natural ingredients that can contribute to healthy blood circulation and vascular health, supporting healthy blood flow. Read more about the product!


Who Is Cardio Fortis Recommended For?

If your answer is yes to any of the following questions, it may be worthwhile to supplement your vitamin and nutrient intake with Cardio Fortis:

  1. Are you over 40?
  2. Do you live in a smoggy metropolis?
  3. Do you lead a stressful life?
  4. Do you do too much sedentary work?
  5. Do you travel frequently by plane?
  6. Do you engage in strenuous sports activities?
  7. Have you entered menopause?
  8. Are you overweight?
  9. Do you have high cholesterol?
  10. Are you diabetic?
  11. Are you struggling with chronic inflammation?
  12. Do you have high blood pressure?
  13. Do you suffer from atherosclerosis?
  14. Do you suffer from atherothrombosis?



  1. O’Kennedy, N.; Duttaroy, A.K. Platelet Hyperactivity in COVID-19: Can Fruitflow® Tomato Extract Be Used as a Platelet Anti-Aggregating System? Med. Hypotheses 2021, 147, 110480 (source)
  2. Material from the London-based One Heart Clinic (source)
  3. World Health Organization, ‘Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) fact sheet’, Accessed on: 17th October 2017 [WHO]
  4. One Heart Clinic website